List of Publications

Book Chapters/Peer-Reviewed Articles

Lim, Al. 2024. “Tracing the smart virus in a smart city: a discursive analysis of Singapore’s early pandemic surveillance response.” Urban Geography 1–19.

Yamada, Shoko, Lav Kanoi, Vanessa Koh, Al Lim, and Michael R. Dove. 2022. "Sustainability as a Moral Discourse: Its Shifting Meanings, Exclusions, and Anxieties." Sustainability 14(5): 3095.

Kanoi, Lav, Vanessa Koh, Al Lim, Shoko Yamada, and Michael R. Dove. 2022. “'What is infrastructure? What does it do?': Anthropological perspectives on the workings of infrastructure(s).” Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability.

Lim, Al. 2022. “Rewriting Food Insecurity Narratives in Singapore.” In Hyun Bang Shin, Murray Mckenzie, and Do Young Oh (Eds.), COVID-19 in Southeast Asia: Insights for a Post-Pandemic World: 239-248. London, UK: LSE Press.

Zhou, Wen, Kaggie Orrick, Al Lim, and Michael R. Dove. 2021. “Reframing Conservation and Development Perspectives on Bushmeat.” Environmental Research Letters 17(1).

Lim, Al. 2021. “Constructions of Hope: Three Grounds for Unity in African Urban Theory.” The Saharan Journal 1(3): 245-265. National Institute for African Studies (NIAS).

Lim, Al, and Feroz Khan. 2020. “Learning to Thrive: Educating Singapore’s Children for a Climate-Changed World.” In Matthew Schneider-Mayerson (Ed.), Eating Chilli Crab in the Anthropocene: Environmental Perspectives on Life in Singapore: 221-240. Singapore: Ethos Books.

Lim, Al. 2019. “(Un)Global Heritage Sites.” Yale-NUS Undergraduate Journal 3: 105–16.

Editor-Reviewed Articles

Lim, Al. 2021. “Methodological Pivoting in COVID-19: experimenting with critical corpus-based analysis.” LSE Field Methods.

Chia, Jasmine and Al Lim. 2020. “Rice for Fish: Karen counter-narratives of self-sufficiency and Thainess.” New Mandala.

Khan, Feroz, and Al Lim. 2020. “Connecting public and planetary health: Transition virtues for a green COVID-19 recovery.” Academia.SG.

Lim, Al. 2020. “Myanmar Needs to Redefine Its COVID-19 Stimulus Package.” Tea Circle Oxford.

Koh, Vanessa, Al Lim, and Jill J. Tan. 2020. “The Singaporean State and Community Care in the Time of Corona.” City & Society. doi: 10.1111/CISO.12297.

Lim, Al. 2020. “Will There Be a Nouveau Poor?” Singapore Policy Journal: A Harvard Kennedy School Student Publication.

Lim, Al. 2019. “Golden Mile Complex: Not Just Another Space.” Singapore Policy Journal: A Harvard Kennedy School Student Publication, Migrants in Singapore Spotlight.

Lim, Al. 2018. “Mrauk U-NESCO-Cide or Not?” Asia Research Institute: Asian Urbanisms Blog.

Lim, Al. 2017. “Singapore: A Climate-Resilient City?” Singapore Policy Journal: A Harvard Kennedy School Student Publication.

Conference Presentations/Talks

Lim, Al. 2023. “On Giving a Dam(n): Reframing Bitcoin Mining in Laos.” Lecture at Polytechnic University of the Philippines’ Economic Sociology Webinar Series. Online.

Lim, Al. 2023. “The Allure of Nang Kwak: from amulets to NFTs.” Presented at the International Conference on Amulet Cultures. Pridi Banomyong International College (PBIC), Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand.

Lim, Al. 2022. “Statue and Mine: Chao Anouvong, the Lao Nation, and China’s Copper Gift.” Presented at the 7th International Conference on Lao Studies, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. Online.

Lim, Al. 2022. “Bitcoin, a Religion: ambivalent sacrality between hope and environmental degradation.” Presented at the Tropical Resources Institute Symposium, Yale School of the Environment, New Haven, CT.

Lim, Al. 2022. “Bitcoin, a Religion: ambivalent sacrality between hope and environmental degradation.” Presenting at the Graduate Conference in Religion and Ecology, Yale University, New Haven, CT. Online.

Lim, Al. 2021. “Splinters and Care: Regrounding the Future Smart City.” Association of Thai Students in America Conference. Boston, MA.

Lim, Al. 2020. “Speaking Up, Speaking With, Speaking To: how do we communicate equitably in an unequal world?” Activism in Crisis Festival. Online.

Lim, Al. 2020. “Community Research in the Urban Age,” Presented at “30 by 30 in our Next Generation by Maju Collective: Enabling Communities.” Online.

Khan, Feroz and Al Lim. 2020. “How do we Educate for a Climate-Crisis World? A Discussion,” New Naratif, Podcast.

Lim, Al. 2020. “Burmese Macroeconomics and COVID-19.” Presented at “The COVID-19 Pandemic and Myanmar's Response,” London Burma Studies Group. Online.

Lim, Al. 2020. “The Production and Reproduction of Water Insecurity in a Northern Thai Village.” presented at The 12th Samaggi Samaggom Academic Conference and Careers Fair. Holiday Inn London Kensington Forum, London, UK.

Lim, Al. 2019. “Forest School: Should Singaporean Education Turn Over A New Leaf?” presented at The 1st Singapore Undergraduate Research Conference. Yale-NUS College, Singapore.

Lim, Al. 2018. “Water (In)security: A Case Study in a Northern Thai Village.” presented at the Emerging Civic Urbanisms and Designing for Social Impact Conference, Great Asian Streets Symposium. National University of Singapore, Singapore.

Book Reviews

Lim, Al. 2024. “Under Mother Durga’s Watchful Eyes: A review of Sati Mookherjee’s Eye" Cha Literary Journal.

Lim, Al. 2023. “To Present the Meaning of Marbles: A Review of Tse Hao Guang’s The International Left-Hand Calligraphy AssociationQuarterly Literary Review Singapore.

Lim, Al. 2023. Review of Turning Land into Capital: Development and Dispossession in the Mekong Region, by Philip Hirsch, Kevin Woods, Natalia Scurrah, and Michael B. Dwyer, eds., Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 2022. H-Environment, H-Net Reviews.

Lim, Al. 2023. Review of Projectland: Life in a Lao Socialist Model Village, by Holly High, Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai’i Press, 2021. LSE Review of Books and LSE Saw Swee Hock Southeast Asia Centre Blog.

Lim, Al. 2023. “Lingering Voices of a Fatherland: A Review of Koh Jee Leong’s Inspector Inspector.” Quarterly Literary Review Singapore.

Lim, Al. 2022. “Snow in Singapore: On Cosmopolitan Melancholy: A Review of Daryl Qilin Yam’s Shantih Shantih Shantih.” Quarterly Literary Review Singapore.

Lim, Al. 2022. “Society, Excess, and Yet: A Review of Daryl Lim Wei Jie’s Anything but Human.” Quarterly Literary Review Singapore.

Lim, Al. 2022. Review of Fighting for Virtue: Justice and Politics in Thailand, by Duncan McCargo, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2020. LSE Review of Books and LSE Saw Swee Hock Southeast Asia Centre Blog.

Creative Works (selected)

Lim, Al. 2022. “to even anthropology: it’s not quite psychogeography, or philosophy.” 295 Magazine, Yale University. New Haven, CT.

Lim, Al. 2021. “Good is so God.” In Zakir Hossain Khokan, Bhing Navato, Poh Yong Han, Joshua Ip (Eds.), Call and Response 2 Anthology. Singapore: Math Paper Press.

Lim, Al. 2021. “Rain On ฝนกระหน่ำ” Poesia21 World Poetry Festival.

Lim, Al. 2019. “Mud Un-drawer” installation and “On the Wall” Photographs and Poems. Living with Water Exhibition, Weave Artisan Gallery, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Lim, Al. 2019. “Write Your Name Here” and “for once you hear.” OF ZOOS Literary Journal 7.1, Singapore.

Lim, Al. 2018. “Positions: A Review of Daryl Lim Wei Jie’s A Book of Changes.” Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, Hong Kong.

Lim, Al. 2018.  “What happens upon error message ###” and “While Studying, You Ask.” Anima Methodi Anthology: The Poetics of Mirroring, Desmond Kon and Eric Valles, eds. Singapore: Squircle Line Press.

Lim, Al. 2018. “Shan, Myanmar?” Harvard’s Tuesday Magazine, Cambridge, MA.

Lim, Al. 2017. “Bangkok, Childhood, Tower, She: Objects.” STAPLE Magazine 2.

Lim, Al. 2017. “bus 11.” Twin Cities: An Anthology of Twin Cinema from Singapore and Hong Kong, Tammy Ho Lai-Ming and Joshua Ip, eds. Singapore: Landmark Books.

Lim, Al. 2017. “narrative from soil.” pressure gauge press 5.

Lim, Al. 2016. “<Insert Headlines>.” The Eloquent Orifice 4(1): 12-14.

Lim, Al. 2016. “Charge of the Eighth Brigade,” “won | der,” and “Pointed.” Unseen the Magazine 2.


Hazhibek Aidarhan. 2023. “A Portfolio of Poetry” trans. Al Lim and Chrystal Ho from Chinese into English. Tupelo Press 7(30).

He Fukai. 2023. “mother smiled.” Translated by Al Lim from Chinese into English. Curated by Ming Di. Rediscover China: Ethnic Minority Poets Reading in Their Mother Tongues. PoetryEastWest—Poetry Across the Oceans.

Tusunbaki, Mohammedyehya. 2023. “I Miss You, Mother.” Translated by Al Lim from Chinese into English. Curated by Ming Di. Rediscover China: Ethnic Minority Poets Reading in Their Mother Tongues. PoetryEastWest—Poetry Across the Oceans.

Zheng Min. 2022. “Evening Party,” “Secret,” “Desire: A Lion,” and “Horses.” Translated by Al Lim from Chinese into English and Thai. Tribute to Zheng Min 1920-2022 纪念诗人郑敏.

Zhang Ergun. 2021. “spending this life, in dreams I build ships.” Translated by Al Lim from Chinese into English. A World Without Walls Poetry Festival.

Abu Masen. 2021. “A Folio of Poetry by Abu Masen” trans. Al Lim from Chinese into English. Tupelo Press 5(24).